Friday, October 07, 2005


I just came back from the mountain near my hometown where I go for biking, and while I was ascending one road sign drew my attention, it was written “ Skaters on the road”.
It is obvious for everyone that sees this sign that it is hand made, nailed on the electricity pillar by some idealistic kids. Well, my memory goes back 16 years, how me and one friend of mine who made this sign came there on the exact place with hammer and nails and nailed that sign, after that we went to the middle of the mountain and downhill with our skateboards .It was a time of excitement and joy, doing something that no one has done before, it was 1989 and my country was still in the communistic era, West was waiting patiently in front of our doors, skateboarding was viewed like something that kids do, something they do for several months until they discovering some new toy. Then we grew, but our passion didn’t wither and we became one band of skateboarders from all around the city joined by one goal, LETS SKATE. We became public spectacle wearing baggy pants when no one even saw those things, they laughed at us saying that we have shitted in our pants, we were dirty because we were all the time on the streets, but we didn’t cared, we just wanted to skate and have fun. Everywhere we went we were spreading our passion, we were waking, talking 24-7, 365 Skate or Die, we influenced our generation with our sub-culture lifestyle. Later I became tattoo artist and develop the scene in the town, some others pioneered something else and we were on TV, newspapers all the time. So this is not nostalgia for some lost time, no, but while I was biking today I was thinking if I was so brave for Christ, letting passion for him overpower me, instead of being so picky about my words to my neighbors, friends and those I meet on daily basis, and let my passion speak from me, not ashamed to be public spectacle, together with my band of God lovers can leave stamp on our generation, changing cultures and mindsets, more important changing lives, and after many many years like that road sign that stood the test of time we can see our work and pass into eternity with smile on our faces.

1 comment:

Urban Mystic said...

Epten dobro ova sto si go napisal. A toa poslednite dve tri recenici kao trogatelen i pottiknuvacki kraj na nekoja kniga. Ozbilno. Je, kamon!