Sunday, December 25, 2005

Beauty and the Beast

Yesterday I watched long awaited King Kong movie. I was so much in expectance because I grew up with this kind of movies. I can say, Peter Jackson did awesome job, I liked how he developed the whole story, not just King Kong jumping out of nowhere, the photography was par excellence, even though the movie was in color it didn’t lost the magic of the black and white movies, and the screams of Naomi Watts were so true to the original monster-beauty types. I especially liked the relation between what we call beast and humanity, Peter made excellent job portraying who is who. The beast full of passion and simplicity in contrast to greedy humanity hungry for money and easy entertainment. Man, the fight between Kong and the T-Rex, wow, it was display of pure brutal force, you know that he is superior, and most exiting you don’t have to tell that to him, he simply knows who’s the king, ADRENALINE, I was eating my pop-corns like a machine. And Peter probably understands that there is too much sex in Hollywood movies, so he again as in the LOTR show us the power of the platonic love, which we nova days have forgotten, and brought us in the world where love means to protect, fight for and even die for. Bravo Maestro.
“Planes didn’t killed him, it was the beauty that killed the beast”

Saturday, October 15, 2005

church activity vs. heart of the gospel, english version

This is a big theme for thinking which takes other themes with her self! But I will start from somewhere. These days I was thinking on social justice, about how to go and practically do the things that Jesus says in the gospels. For those who read the gospel know that the preaching of Jesus was about making peace between man and God, beginning with every individual who will show before the face of God and be responsible for his life. The core of what Jesus did was total transformation of human heart, which is deepest in one man ,from where whole our life is coming from, everything that we ARE. People today are wearing all the different masks just to hide what is beneath, but like every lottery leaflet you will see what’s beneath if you scratch the golden surface, off course if you follow the instructions SCRATCH HERE! But what Jesus did was total transformation inside out and he made one new breed that is light in this dark world that is becoming more PRO-DEATH then PRO-LIFE. But here we face our difficulties. This new breed to whom I belong too, made for them selves their own places for gatherings, bunch of spiritualized programs, seminars and conferences which are not bad in them selves and those who made them were thinking the best, and in case you understand me wrong I’m also in position to make all this programs or what ever they are. So everything that I’m writing now will not have sense if the week had 30 days, but because this is not the case (as I know), my friends, where we will find all that time to live what we are created for, to be light in the world, comfort to those who weep, food for the hungry, shelter to the homeless, to be the word of truth in the world that is going so incredibly astray. I’m not talking only for social justice but lots of other things. How can somebody find himself as individual if he is constantly pressured by the masses dictating the music of his dance? What if somebody is really talented as an artist, where he will find time in all those activities to sit and wait on inspiration and do his art. There are lots of things that I can write right now but I would like to have your comments. Thanx

Friday, October 07, 2005

wannabe rock star

My friend Urban Mystic told about this option so you will know who am i


I just came back from the mountain near my hometown where I go for biking, and while I was ascending one road sign drew my attention, it was written “ Skaters on the road”.
It is obvious for everyone that sees this sign that it is hand made, nailed on the electricity pillar by some idealistic kids. Well, my memory goes back 16 years, how me and one friend of mine who made this sign came there on the exact place with hammer and nails and nailed that sign, after that we went to the middle of the mountain and downhill with our skateboards .It was a time of excitement and joy, doing something that no one has done before, it was 1989 and my country was still in the communistic era, West was waiting patiently in front of our doors, skateboarding was viewed like something that kids do, something they do for several months until they discovering some new toy. Then we grew, but our passion didn’t wither and we became one band of skateboarders from all around the city joined by one goal, LETS SKATE. We became public spectacle wearing baggy pants when no one even saw those things, they laughed at us saying that we have shitted in our pants, we were dirty because we were all the time on the streets, but we didn’t cared, we just wanted to skate and have fun. Everywhere we went we were spreading our passion, we were waking, talking 24-7, 365 Skate or Die, we influenced our generation with our sub-culture lifestyle. Later I became tattoo artist and develop the scene in the town, some others pioneered something else and we were on TV, newspapers all the time. So this is not nostalgia for some lost time, no, but while I was biking today I was thinking if I was so brave for Christ, letting passion for him overpower me, instead of being so picky about my words to my neighbors, friends and those I meet on daily basis, and let my passion speak from me, not ashamed to be public spectacle, together with my band of God lovers can leave stamp on our generation, changing cultures and mindsets, more important changing lives, and after many many years like that road sign that stood the test of time we can see our work and pass into eternity with smile on our faces.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Prkos ?

For the beginning let me explain what prkos means


Prkos is when you refuse to bow your knees to none and nothing except Lord Jesus Christ
Prkos is when you go against the whole world system and in the same time you are living whole new system of values
Prkos is when you don’t allow people label you
Prkos is when you live what you are created for
Prkos is when they crush you and get you down and you rise again
To have destiny is Prkos
That’s why my friends lets prkos this world and journey to our destiny

Monday, October 03, 2005

Englishman in New York

Ok, so the world has become one big village and eventually the language of this village is English, even though i’m angry to the village chief why he chose this language because it adds complications to my expressing everything i can do is just to submit to the village rules if i want to be understood by my distant neighbors… so i guess you will hear more from me
Sincerely yours
Village priest

Saturday, January 08, 2005

church activity vs. heart of the gospel

Golema tema za razmisluvanje koja sto povlekuva mnogu drugi zaedno so sebe! Ama sepak ke pocnam od nekade. Denovive razmisluvav na socialna pravda, na toa kako e da se odi i na delo da se pravi ona sto evangelieto ili Isus go propoveda. Za onie koi znaat ili koi gi citale evengelijata propovedanjeto na Isus se sostoese vo izmiruvanje na covestvoto so Bog, zapocnuvajki od sekoj poedinec kako individua koja ke zastane pred Bog i ke odgovara za svojot zivot. Srzta na ona sto Isus go napravi bese tatalno preobrazuvanje na coveckoto srce , ona sto e najdlaboko vo covekot od kade sto proizleguva celiot nas zivot , seto ona sto nie SME. Denes lugjeto vesto se prikrivaat so razni maski za da ne se vidi ona sto go ima ispod povrsinata , no kako i sekoja srecka otkako ke zagrebes ke vidis sto ima ispod zlatnata boja, se razbira ako vnimatelno gi sledis instrukciite od tipot, TUKA GREBI! No sto Isus napravi e sto celosno ne preobrazi od vnatre nadvor, i napravi eden poseben narod koj treba da e svetlina vo ovoj temen svet koj e se poveke PRO-DEATH otkolku PRO-LIFE. E sega tuka e makata ili kako sto vikaat u tom grmu lezi zec! Ovoj narod od koi sum i jas samiot si napravi svoi mesta na sobiranje, eden kup duhovizirani programi, seminari i konferencii koi sami po sebe ne se losi i onie koi gi postavile mislele se najdobro,a za da ne me razberete deka sum preterano kriticen ke kazam deka i jas samiot sum vo pozicija da gi postavuvam site tie programi i sto i da se. E sega ne bi imale nikakov problem i seto ova sto go pisuvam ke bese bezvrska ako nedelata imase 30 dena, ama posto nema (kolku jas sto znam,mozebi sum old fashion) pa kade bre lugje da najdeme vreme da go ziveeme ona za sto sme sozdadeni,da bideme svetlina vo svetot ,uteha na natazenite, hrana na gladnite, toplina na bezdomnite,da se bide zbor na vistina vo svet koj ne e mozno da tolku zastranil sto samo tone i tone. Tuka ne stanuva zbor samo za socijalna pravda tuku i za red drugi raboti. Kako covek da se pronajde kako indivudalec ako celo vreme e pritisnat od masata, da ovoj igra na muzikata koja tie ja svirat. Sto ako nekoj e navistina talentiran za umetnik, kade bi nasol vreme so site tie aktivnosti da sedne ceka na inspiracija i tvori. Dodeka go pisuvam ova sega mi doagjaat nekoi odgovori ama so radost toa bi go ostavil na onie sto ke dadat komentar na ova. Uste mnogu misli mi letaat niz glava ama dosta e za pocetok

za pocetok

Dobredojdovte na mojot Blog.

Kako mza pocetok da kazam sto znaci za mene zborot prkos.


Prkos e koga ne sakas da gi svitkas kolenata pred nikoj i nisto osven Gospod Isus Hristos
Prkos e koga mu odis kontra na celiot svetski sistem a vo isto vreme ppokazuvas eden cel nov sistem na vrednosti
Prkos e koga ne im dozvoluvas na lugjeto da te stavat vo sablon
Prkos e koga go zivees ona za sto si sozdaden
Prkos e koga ke te krsat i butkaat a ti povtorno stanuvas
Da se ima destiny e prkos
Zatoa ajde prijateli prkosnici da zaedno mu prkosime na ovoj svet i da se upatime kon nasata sudbina

Zosto sme pobednici!