Friday, August 25, 2006

Thrilled, sad and challenged

Hey my friends, after two weeks in Ohrid we are back with the post-ohrid depressed syndrome :) Why? Well we lived, eat, swim, get mad together, we met new and old friends, hang out, drink bear and suddenly again alone in our apartments, it get's your mood down. There were great times in Ohrid, the 24-7 team was awesome, we functioned great, time spent with people was deep, alpha course went well; we are planning to go more frequently to Ohrid this year and start with the group of people that we know. In meantime I didn’t accomplish to get visa for Germany because I didn’t get the invitation letter on time (It get lost or something) which saddens me, for I wanted to meet all those great people to dream together, but there are some great news, Scot and Misty are coming to Skopje end of August and will stay through the winter with us, great encouragement and refreshment. This is the couple that we met this May on 24-7 Big Conversation in Belgrade who left their comfort to serve the Lord.
I’m challenged as time approach for me to leave my job, so that I may be totally free to serve the Lord, but now I’m also totally dependent on Him for provision. I have this inner green light that I’m doing the right thing and I know that He will provide, it’s interesting to see how He will do it. Adventure, adventure we cry, so here it is, ha ha...
There is also a challenge as we are going to be sent this September to plant new congregation.
I’m full with expectation about this and there is boiling creativity inside of me that waits to be unleashed.

So Lord be with us as we sail this uncharted seas
Grant us strength to fight the monsters
For we know there is far more behind the horizon
We can’t loose anything for in You we have gained everything

Soli Deo Gloria